Fully expecting my lack of fitness and recent illness to result in a poor showing at my final Sea Otter, I was surprised that instead my strategic ineptitude hampered my performance. I'd call it a pleasant surprise, except now I just feel sort of dumb to have doubted myself and forgotten how to deal with traffic.
It was great to be at Sea Otter. I spent a lot of time hanging out with Troy at the Cannondale tent and had a lot of fun goofing around with Sonya Looney while watching the men's races.

Looney cheers at the Short Track


Troy is superamazing. He can work 28 hours a day. It's unbelievable. And even after working 28 hours a day, he is cheerful and smiling and can regale you with funny stories. Unfortunately Spokes was at the doggy spa, so I didn't get to see her.

Yuki suffers. (He did crazy well in the 1.11 hour race.)

We heckle.

How to get to the feed zone
(I asked some guys to hold my PBR and my camera while I climbed the fence).
It was also super fun to hang out with Susan and Harry, and a whole bunch of their family in town for the weekend, in Carmel. Got to stick my legs in the ocean while watching Morgan catch waves after the cross country, and enjoyed a number of good meals and some Idol-watching on the big screen throughout the weekend. Not to mention dog time.

Relaxing at Suz & Harry's place, with their dogs Anna...

...and Rhett.

Beautiful day for the ocean

Morgan excels at all sports but also has a really big brain

Morgan, Rhett, Susan

Yum, dinner.
I stayed in the Bay Area an extra day to visit my friend Tina-- it was supposed to be her bachelorette party but she snuck off to Vegas and got married already.

Tina at Barefoot Coffee-- one of my favorite coffee places anywhere.
They're very concerned about pulling you a good shot.
Tina had to get a decaf. She's having a baby in September.

No decaf here!! Now that's what I call a macchiato.

If I lived in San Francisco I would eat alllllll day looooong.