On a positive note, I loved the course and had a fabulous start. I had a fun week leading up to the race, in which I got to hang out with Mary and Jenna and Becca and see my parents' new place in Colorado Springs. I got to relax a lot since I had the week off of work.
I knew the course well and it was one that suited me. Or at least it should have.
The course consisted of a super steep grunt of a start hill followed by about 12-15 minutes of climbing some switchbacks. The descent was very steep at first and then became winding and bumpy, with a nasty interlude climb through an open area covered in wood chips. To put it mildly, the downhill didn't provide much recovery time. 4 laps of grueling fun.
My start was top-10 and I finished the first lap in a great position, but after that I fell apart. My legs and back started hurting bad and pretty soon I had no power. I was descending better than I had all season, due to a pretty simple problem with my bike setup that had gone undiagnosed all season until the day before the race, but I just couldn't climb. Might have had something to do with the change in position that resulted from fixing the bike issue. I got passed like I was standing still on that climb. It was humiliating even though it was good to get to cheer for some of my friends having great races. If you have to eat dust, better to eat the dust of people you like, right?
Long and painful story short, I was passed by a few girls on every lap to send me to the finish line in 18th place.
Immediately after the race I was somewhat baffled at my poor performance, but now I have a pretty good idea of a number things that went wrong in the week and even in the months before the race. At least I know what to do differently next year. It's too bad that was my last big race this season, but there's still time to work on things for the local races coming up. And hopefully nationals will be at Sol Vista again next year.
Jenna has removed the back seat of her car to hold her bike,
so the three of us piled in the front for a sweet ride.
I know, it looks like I am happy,
and in a sick and twisted way I probably am.
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