Sonya and I stayed with a fabulous host family in their beautiful house in Eagle, whose kitchen we put to good use. Sonya made some amazing blueberry pancakes while I made coffee and distracted myself with the various kitties and Kaibab, the stick-obsessed cattle dog.
We arrived at the venue with enough time to get the bikes perfectly dialed for the race.
And then... the race. There was a great turnout of 25 or so pro women from around the country, including a few of the best racers in the world. I started out fairly conservatively and raced a pretty solid first lap without blowing myself up. I probably started out too conservatively, again. On the second lap my intestines siezed up a bit and I briefly considered stopping to go to the bathroom.
I started to feel better on the downhill and upped the pace a lot for the third lap. It was enough to catch a few girls who had dangled in front of me on the second lap, but not enough to get to the five who finished the race within a minute in front of me. I finished the race feeling fresher than I should have. While my finishing place of 11th was good, it just isn't satisfying feeling like you didn't leave it all out there.
It was great to race on such a fun course! The climbs were not ridiculously long and the descents were more than ridiculously fun.
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