...and it would be completely irresponsible and unexemplary to take part in the destruction of this incredible trail system on the only rainy day it will likely see this month (not saying out loud: I really don't want to destroy my new bike in the mud just yet)...
I was super excited to race a 12-hour race with my friend Scott. I have never done a 12-hour race, and I'd heard a lot about how fun Gallup's Dawn til Dusk race is. It showcases a fantastic set of trails that the locals have put a ton of work into. The trail system out there is full of fast fun flowy high-desert singletrack peppered with a bit of rock, and slickrock sandstone, not to mention amazing scenery, and there are even maps and some low-key metal sculptures out there. Our pre-race ride showed the course in fantastic condition after a good winter. Rebecca, Scott, and I had a blast even though the wind was really picking up by the end. We got back and set up camp in time to enjoy the sunset, eat some delicious pasta with fresh steamed artichokes, and get a little sleep before the 7 am start.
Then we went to bed and heard the wind blowing louder and louder. Then we heard the rain start. Then around 4 am the sound of the rain stopped. I thought, good, we have 3 hours for the trails to dry out.
At 5:30 we opened the door of the RV to check on how the drying-out was going. And found out the silence was due to the end of one type of precipitation and the start of another kind.
At 7 they delayed the race start to 9 am. At 9 am they delayed the race start until further notice. Then it started to rain again. At 11 am they said, "GET OUT!!! GET OUT IF YOU CAN OR YOU'LL BE STUCK IN THE MUD PIT ALL WEEK!!!"
It was a good decision to cancel the race. It wouldn't be worth it to ruin the trails (my bike) for one silly race.